Puffed Crispy Rice Topping

Puffed Crispy Rice Topping

Inspired by the Lao crispy rice salad, Nam Khao. Think, the crisped up rice at the bottom of a pot (iykyk), but also puffed and storable to make adding ~cronchy~ texture to salads (or whatever) just a bit easier. Whenever I have extra rice, I … read more

Baked Sunchoke Chips

Baked Sunchoke Chips

Sunchokes, also called ‘Jerusalum artichokes’ or ‘sunroots’, are the roots of a type of sunflower. They’ve been called “the potato for diabetics”, as they have similar cooking applications, but are made up of inulin, an indigestible fiber (i.e. good for ze gut), rather than starch. … read more

Soy Cured Egg Yolks

Soy Cured Egg Yolks

Egg yolks are super permeable, aka they’ll absorb anything they come in contact with – including the flavors of this soy sauce + mirin marinade! Salt in soy sauce draws out moisture (giving yolks a thicker, more jammy consistency over time), while mirin balances the … read more