Author: thingslinadoes

Baked Sunchoke Chips

Baked Sunchoke Chips

Sunchokes, also called ‘Jerusalum artichokes’ or ‘sunroots’, are the roots of a type of sunflower. They’ve been called “the potato for diabetics”, as they have similar cooking applications, but are made up of inulin, an indigestible fiber (i.e. good for ze gut), rather than starch. … read more

Soy Cured Egg Yolks

Soy Cured Egg Yolks

Egg yolks are super permeable, aka they’ll absorb anything they come in contact with – including the flavors of this soy sauce + mirin marinade! Salt in soy sauce draws out moisture (giving yolks a thicker, more jammy consistency over time), while mirin balances the … read more

carbonara-adjacent soy mirin pasta

carbonara-adjacent soy mirin pasta

Fully *not* carbonara. Butttt applies similar concepts used in carbonara, using Asian ingredients and flavors, so felt wrong to not give it a shoutout here. It’s rich, creamy, and flavorful, with a deliciously savory sauce and very easy to make (created by accident winging it … read more

Soft Boiled Chinese Tea Eggs

Soft Boiled Chinese Tea Eggs

Savory, subtly sweet, aromatic, aaand she pretty inside & out (°◡°♡) – 茶叶蛋 (CháYè Dàn), which translates to “Tea Eggs” are traditionally hardboiled in a marinade and sold as a street snack. This is a lil twist by making them ~soft boiled~ and stored in … read more