carbonara-adjacent soy mirin pasta

carbonara-adjacent soy mirin pasta

Fully *not* carbonara. Butttt applies similar concepts used in carbonara, using Asian ingredients and flavors, so felt wrong to not give it a shoutout here. It’s rich, creamy, and flavorful, with a deliciously savory sauce and very easy to make (created by accident winging it … read more

Soft Boiled Chinese Tea Eggs

Soft Boiled Chinese Tea Eggs

Savory, subtly sweet, aromatic, aaand she pretty inside & out (°◡°♡) – 茶叶蛋 (CháYè Dàn), which translates to “Tea Eggs” are traditionally hardboiled in a marinade and sold as a street snack. This is a lil twist by making them ~soft boiled~ and stored in … read more